Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sundquist goes deep, but Bulldogs swept by Bears

| April 17, 2014 7:00 AM

MOSCOW — Makayla Sundquist hit a two run home run and Morgan Bluemer was hot at the plate, but it was another tough 4A North doubleheader for Sandpoint on Tuesday night, as the Bulldogs fell 25-2 and 19-9 to the Bears in 4A Inland Empire League softball action in Moscow.

The Bears capitalized on seven Bulldog (2-11, 0-4 4A IEL) errors in the first game while pounding out 16 hits against Lucinda Calvert, with Bre Buchmiller and Morgan Bluemer the lone Bulldogs to get a hit.

Sandpoint found some offense in the second game, as Bluemer went 3 for 3 with two RBIs, Makayla Sundquist added two hits and Buchmiller, Calvert, Lily Martin and Topi Elsffelder each had one apiece. Nycole Moreland pitched four innings and Calvert relieved her, as the pair held Moscow to 11 hits, but once again six errors proved costly as the Bulldogs blew a fourth inning lead.

“We ran into a buzz saw. Too many errors and could not get outs. Their pitcher shut us down,” said Bulldogs head coach Derek Dickinson. “In game two we battled back and carried a lead into fourth. Morgan is swinging a hot bat, and Nycole pitched well in her start. Overall game two was a good rebound for us, but making too many defensive mistakes.”

Sandpoint is at Post Falls today.