Saturday, June 01, 2024

Term limits needed in the United States

| February 13, 2014 6:00 AM

There are strong arguments for term limits at both the state and national level. Over time, many of our career politicians get embedded with special interest groups for both political and financial reasons.

They often forget (except at election time) who they are working for. Term limits would help keep politicians focused on the real issues, working in an objective manner and making decisions based on what is best for the citizens and not some special interest group.

In 2012, our current legislators in District 1 were ranked in the top six in the state for expanding government and spending. The current incumbent in District 1A was ranked the number one big spender of the legislature’s appropriation dollars. In the 2012 campaign, over 80 percent of his funding came outside the district.

Many families in North Idaho are struggling due to declining net income, high increases in food and energy costs and the lack of sustainable employment. Most are not asking for handouts from the state, but for fiscal common sense at the state and local level regarding taxes, budgets and the size of government.

Will most politicians support term limits? Not likely. The voters must make that decision for them at election time. North Idaho needs a fresh, independent voice who will fight for smaller government, private property rights and a common sense approach to spending and state sovereignty.

Please register and support Heather Scott. Heather understands the values and concerns of the citizens of North Idaho.

