Saturday, June 01, 2024

Full steam ahead for grandstands

by Desire㉠Hood Staff Writer
| November 5, 2015 6:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Football games, the Festival and graduations will be improved for area residents and children.

The grandstands are being redone at Barlow Stadium at War Memorial Field with the passing of a 1 percent sales tax increase for five years. There were 1,311 votes in favor to 477 votes against. The sales tax increase will take effect Jan. 1, 2016.

Kim Woodruff, parks and recreation director, said city officials are pleased with the 73.3-percent approval of the local option tax. He said as the manager of the project, he is relieved to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

“Thanks so much to those who voted yes and to those opposed — we hope that our actions and project results will demonstrate the power of a local option tax,” Woodruff said.

For the rest of the story, see the print edition of the Bonner County Daily Bee or subscribe to our e-edition.