Saturday, June 01, 2024

The many things that make you go hmm ...

| April 12, 2016 1:00 AM

It's been quite a while since I've felt the need to interject my humble opinion for others to dissect and disregard. So why not open up a can with several questions that have been bothering me lately. Again, I'll play the naive Bonner County newcomer but have to remind you that I have been here for nearly 1 1/2 years. Only 38 1/2 more years to go to be called a local.

I call this opinion piece “things that make you go hmmm” or translated “what the heck are they thinking?”

First, what is going on with Bonner County? Firing people left and right, numerous lawsuits filed, a Planning and Zoning Commission wondering when they will be completely cut out of the picture and three commissioners neck deep in litigation. Although Mr. Kelly is abandoning ship the question remains, what the heck is going on? (I like to rub my chin when I say that, thinking it makes me look smarter.)

Why would the commissioners make the Planning and Zoning Commission feel neglected or left out of the loop? I've always thought more community input was better for decisions. In comparing ourselves to other areas, the process of permitting and inspections seems to be pretty darn easy as it is. My thought would be to give the Planning and Zoning Commission some additional responsibilities and better utilize their judgment. And I also strongly believe that a body of seven is much more balanced in their thought processes than a body of three. I would assume the Planning and Zoning Commission members also come from various parts of the county and therefor can provide the commissioners feedback on activities in those various areas. I also assume the Planning and Zoning Commission members receive very little, if any, compensation. Wow, imagine that, cheap and unbiased ideas. They can speak their minds without reprisal or concern for their jobs. Leave them alone and listen.

(Again rubbing my chin) Is there a plan to eliminate the Planning and Zoning Commission completely, thereby increasing the perceived power of the county commissioners? I would hope not but it does make me go hmmmmm.

Enough about the county commissioners. What about the Solar Roadways project? Does it make sense to spend tax money on a project that has no real value to the city? Am I wrong in assuming there is no real value to the city? Will there be long-term jobs as a benefit? Would the city be better off spending the money on some other infrastructure project? Maybe a city investment in a teen center? Maybe additional docks to bring in more revenue or a new boardwalk on the water? The part that really makes me wonder is if the funding of the Solar Roadways project is really just helping a private business prove viability? Is that really the role of city government? Ultimately, will the benefits to the city outweigh the costs? Hmmmm.

Finally the elections. I was in Canada a few weeks ago, Nelson, British Columbia, to be exact, checking out the local beer and making a quick trip up to Ainsworth. All I can say is wow. The first question out of most Canadians was “What the heck is going on with your elections?” With heck replaced by another very close word. I answered “It's a crap shoot”

I'm not going to show my cards but the most important thing you can do this election season is get registered and get involved in the process. Voter apathy never results in a good thing and this election is extremely important. There has to be a happy medium somewhere in all that chaos but it won't matter if you don't vote. Any my rule of thumb is you can't complain about the system if you aren't willing to at least vote.

Don't agree with my opinions? You won't be the first and won't be the last. But send us a letter and tell me how off-base my thoughts are. I love to read a good letter to the editor. And if you want to chat about something, I'm always willing to buy coffee.

Jim McKiernan is publisher of the Bonner County Daily Bee. He can be reached at 208-263-9534, ext. 244, or