Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 19, 2016 1:00 AM

As things currently are, the Bonner County commissioners can wreck havoc in the county without being held accountable. Because of Bonner County commissioners' monumental ignorance and stupidity, that is just what has been happening.

“The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits” — Albert Einstein

The Bonner County commissioners have continually demonstrated that they possess the type of intelligence that has no limits.

As I understand it there are currently four lawsuits against the county and a fifth one that was recently settled out of court, all because of the actions of the Bonner County commissioners.

The one that was settled out of court has a condition that the terms of the agreement cannot be revealed to the taxpayers who are footing the bill. we taxpayers are not allowed to know how much of our money is being wasted and why. The commissioners will probably come back with “insurance is paying for it.” With all these lawsuits you can bet the insurance premiums will skyrocket. And guess who pays the bill? It sure isn't the commissioners.

It's time to make these elected officials financially accountable for their actions.

