Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 19, 2016 1:00 AM

I am concerned about Trump remarks. That being said, I am reading a book, “Franklin and Winston” by Jon Meacham. I’m stuck by the similarity of things said about Trump now and Winston Churchill before he became prime minister. Alexander Cadogan: “He is rambling and temperamental;” Wells to Henry Morgenthau: “He’s a drunken sot and third or fourth rate man.” Time Magazine noted, “He is regarded as brilliant, erratic and unsafe.”

Trump regards himself as master of the “deal.” That business term may have negative connotations to many of us, but it is really another word for “compromise.” A good deal is a decision made by parties who all feel good about the outcome. Maybe we need someone who can make good deals with other countries.

Few of those highly negative about Trump have accomplished a third as much. All those who have had many successes have naturally learned from their many mistakes. It’s the ratio of successes/mistakes that’s important.

Finally, as far as I can tell, none of the grown Trump children are entitled or demanding. As far as I have been able to tell from the media, all are all thoughtful, productive individuals with good families of their own. I’ve come, when attempting to ascertain the character of folks, to take a hard look at the children they raise. So while I am not a complete Trump advocate, I think he may have strengths that his detractors may not recognize.

