Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| April 21, 2016 1:00 AM

There is a very important primary election coming up on May 17, 2016. The deadline to pre-register is this Friday April 22, 2016. Idaho also allows you to vote on the day of the election as long as you have the proper documents proving that you are a resident and a government issued identificiation.

You can register to vote a the Elections Office located at 1500 Highway 2. The staff is friendly, professional and very helpful. You can check your voter registration at and select Am I Registered. Remember that if you move or change your last name you must re-register.

This primary you will find that there are some candidates who are posing as Democrats but who are actually far right Republicans. There will be some write-in candidates who will be running against these individuals. Also, there will be a far right Republican running against Shawn Keough. A write-in is in the process of turing in the proper paperwork for a county commissioner spot as well.

Please take the time to get educated about these candidates and plan to vote on May 17. The future of our county and state districts will be greatly affected this voting season.

Personally, I vote in every election to honor the women of the suffrage movement who were beaten, jailed, and in some cases killed in their fight for my right to vote. I encourage everyone to take the time to participate in our democracy in this crucial primary election.

