Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 27, 2016 1:00 AM

The Bee is being abused by a political operative crony of the current political party leadership in Boise. Sandy Patano was on the payroll for the Idaho State Capital Commission, and was a former top aide of Sen. Larry Craig (who resigned under embarrassing circumstances) and now is on the executive committee of the Republican North Idaho Political Action Committee, which in 2014 was established to go after “… five lawmakers who had opposed Governor Otter’s state-run health insurance exchange…” (April 29, 2014, Idaho Statesman blogs). Their stated position was to support “limited government” and endorsed Shawn Keough.

Ms. Patano’s recent table about legislators’ votes is an example of the misleading tactics that have caused so many Americans to distrust every long-term politician and their operatives. The table takes a part of the truth and deliberately omits vital facts to explain the actions taken. The “nay” votes may have been against the increase in the size and control of government. A good educator knows to provide the context, choices and intentions regarding an issue. Ms. Patano is “educating Idaho’s workforce” how to mislead the voters.

Faithful readers of the Bee are limited to 150 words when referring to an individual political candidate. Ms. Patano has learned how to game the system and abuse the right which the Bee provides. Perhaps her lengthy political slants are more profitable to the Bee than the letters section in the newspaper. The Bee is asked to hold Ms. Patano to the same standards as the rest of us, with no “favored treatment.”



Editor’s note: The columns, which focus on the voting records of all candidates in North Idaho, do not endorse any of those running for office. As such, they do not fall under the 150-word limit and are reviewed individually to ensure they meet this guideline.