Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| August 11, 2016 1:00 AM

On Aug. 30 patrons of the Lake Pend Oreille School District will have an opportunity to pass a much needed plant facilities levy. Here are some important points to consider prior to casting your vote:

n Idaho as a state ranks 50th in per pupil school spending

n Our school district is currently well below the state average in per pupil spending. When this levy passes we will be only slightly above the state average in Idaho.

n It is the responsibility of the local tax payer to fund new school facilities in the state of Idaho via a Facilities Levy or Bond. The state does NOT provide any separate funding.

n In 2015, 85 percent of the school districts in Idaho have a plant facilities levy or bond in place. Total levy amounts exceed $53 million per year. Total bond amounts exceed $140 million per year.

n When this levy passes taxpayers in our district will be levied $9.2 million a year for six years.

n All of the schools being rebuilt in this levy are rated “unsatisfactory”. They are in such poor condition that it is no longer cost effective to maintain them.

I consider it not only a responsibility, but a privilege to build safe schools that provide an environment conducive to learning. Please join me in voting yes!

