Saturday, June 01, 2024

The lesser of two evils?

| August 12, 2016 1:00 AM

Who to vote for … that is the big question. Do we vote for the lesser of two evils? Many good Christians disagree on the answer to that question. The Bible does not say much on that issue since few have ever had a say in who was to rule over them. This is an area of Christian liberty that each individual must decide for himself.

My first thought regarding that question is this, has not every election since the beginning of our republic been a decision between two imperfect, wretched, sinners? “There is none righteous, no not even one …” (Romans 3:10)

If the election choice was between myself and my wonderful Christian Dad, would it not still be a decision between the lesser of two evils? Then the question is at what point is a candidate too evil to vote for? That would be determined by one’s biblical interpretations, applications, and personal standards. Maybe a better criteria would be which candidate would do the least evil to our society, or better yet, which candidate would do the best for our country.

I personally want fewer babies murdered (aborted). I want to keep my guns and be able to protect my family and property and not have to ask the thief, rapist, or murder to take a quick break from their evil deed while the police are able to arrive so that I have a fair chance of defense. I want to be able to worship Jesus freely. I want to have freedom of speech that is not squelched by others simply because they disagree with what I say. I want Supreme Court nominees appointed who are faithful to our biblically based Constitution and who will not make politically correct decisions that will lead to the destruction of our nation morally and spiritually.

Am I asking too much? I don’t think so. I hold those wants and desires so strongly that I refuse to resort to a reductionist mentality. A mentality that disregards a candidate on all issues of importance due to disagreements I have with a few, thereby losing all many core precious freedoms as a result.

My final encouragement is that all voters, especially conservative Christian voters, take their voting privileges serious. Don’t let your opposing answers to the original question cause you to divide fellowship with one another. I encourage all born again believers to unify in prayer for Gods mercy on our country and that He would give us a leader who will change the progression of our country from being morally impure, leading to complete lawlessness, and bring us back to righteousness (obeying God) and holiness (being moral and blessed by God). Romans 6:19.

Above all I encourage all believers to vote for the candidate who best preserves our freedom to lovingly, and freely, proclaim the gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The freedom to be able to tell others of the hope and forgiveness that Jesus gives to all who will repent and trust Him alone.

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?

And how shall they hear without someone (exercising the freedom of) preaching?” Romans 10:14. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlastimg life. John 3:16

Jerry Favor is pastor at Victory Baptist Church, located at 602 Gun Club Road in Sagle. He can be reached at