Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| August 18, 2016 1:00 AM

Since I have only one more letter this month, I’m going to kill two birds with one stone.

First, as some signs around town imply, you’re either stupid or ignorant if you vote against the Aug. 30 levy.

I’m hoping there will be more who vote their pocketbook this time and have a smidgen of compassion for those who either can’t afford a doubling of the school property taxes or the rent increases that will ensue. Especially when raises at work are a tiny percentage if they get one at all. Please don’t consider just your ability to pay, but whether your neighbor is able to as well. Some of us are actually becoming scared we’ll be out of our homes.

Vote no on the Aug. 30 $55 million levy.

Issue two: The pro-birthers that picket events and the farmers market. Seems to me that the market at least would be left in peace as it is a celebration of community, family and children that I see when attending. This is what they espouse isn’t it? Family, life; Instead they approach young children and tell them they have blood on their hands and their parents are child murderers.

Pretty clear what needs to be done. Charges of bullying, verbal abuse, assault, and harassment. There are other remedies of an “anonymous” nature … which are legion.

