Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| August 18, 2016 1:00 AM

Dear Superintendent Woodward:

An establishment (school system), totally supported by the state and taxpayers, seems to labor under the assumption that this source is a bottomless well — why is that?

I am a widow and live on a fixed income/budget. I prepare a monthly projection of all my reoccurring and anticipated expenses, often adding some “would like to have” items. Those “frivolous” items are frequently dropped when common sense tells me no.

Why should I be burdened with your outrageous wish list represented in the upcoming $55 million school facilities levy? How about using your common sense and checking out the state of our economy, the property owner’s woes of meeting his/her obligations and responsibilities, perhaps trimming the school administration’s salaries/bonuses as a start?

I believe that there are numerous ways reductions could be made where there is a will, there most certainly is a way.

