Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| August 21, 2016 1:00 AM

Public school students in Bonner County are being taught:

1. Their neighbors must pay for their education.

2. Their neighbors must feed most of them at school.

3. Taxation without representation is promoted by LPOSD.

4. LPOSD is conniving, timing the levy vote to reduce voter turnout.

5. LPOSD deceives with posters saying vote for schools, omitting $55 million amount.

6. Only the best — $308,000 for each 20 student gilded mansion classroom.

7. In essence students are taught the world owes them a living.

Taxation without representation is a heavy hammer LPOSD uses against property owners who do not live here. Those owners are intentionally denied to vote on school levies. If the pattern from previous LPOSD levy votes is any indication, the results would indicate the following results with a high statistical probability. These calculations are based on voter turnout and results in an earlier school levy (May 20, 2009) … votes for; votes against; total number of taxable parcels in the district; number of parcel owners not living here not allowed to vote; the number of district employees likely to vote, etc.

Owners of parcels not allowed to vote may pay $21,120,000. Owners of parcels who voted against may pay $5,482,500. Those not voting for or against may pay $24,927,500. Total to be paid by those voting against; those denied; and non-voters $51,530,000. Those voting for the $55 million levy may pay $3,470,000.

There is nothing fair or rational about this current system. The remedy I suggest is that when each property owner receives his tax bill, it contain a box to check yes or no if he wants to pay a school levy. Those who check yes can share the payment of the levy. That would represent the true consent of the governed. If as LPOSD claims, over half of the students cannot pay for their meals, how can Bonner County people cough up $55,000,000?

Student enrollment has decreased 14 percent the past 16 years. This may reflect parents are seeking private schooling or homeschooling. Parents of 1,080 students here pay 100 percent of the cost of their children’s education. What is fair about making those parents pay to educate other people’s children? If they refuse to pay, the county will seize all their property and sell it at public auction.

It is time for a change. Please vote no on the $55,000,000 levy Aug. 30.

