Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| August 26, 2016 1:00 AM

In thinking about the upcoming levy, several themes keep re-surfacing for me. One is that education is a cornerstone of democracy. We Americans value education so highly that we have created a nationwide system of public schools and public libraries, which we tax ourselves to support. They are essential to our much vaunted equality of opportunity.

Another is gratitude to those voters in the 1950s who paid to have schools constructed. As a regular volunteer at Washington school I see just how tired the school is — more than tired, with terribly outdated heating and ventilation systems rated “poor” or “unsatisfactory” in performance. The health and safety of our children should be of paramount concern.

And a third is that a six-year levy makes great sense. Holding an election costs money, along with all the staff time spent researching, analyzing, and publicizing the issues. Why have to go through that several times, when the need has been demonstrated and things always cost more in the future.

My final thought is what happens in “my” first-grade classroom. In the door troop 20 to 25 children who will be cooped up together every day. The teacher’s first “assignment” is to start building community, teaching children how to listen to others, have respect, and show kindness. It is a model for how democracy can and should work.

