Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| August 26, 2016 1:00 AM

In order to reestablish public trust, it is Important for Lake Pend Oreille School District to function in a manner that is respectful, competent and transparent. The historical manner in which the public’s money has been handled by LPOSD is problematic. No amount of money can fix problems until the cause of the problems is fixed. Unfixed problems carried into a project multiply as the project proceeds.

Large construction projects for public-funded schools require accurate, extensive knowledge based upon adequate experience to be successful. It appears that appropriate methods were not utilized to establish the basic key factors to guide the process. The key factors for success are: determine realistic needs and realistic resources to meet those needs.

When these realistic factors are applied within a framework of supportive conditions, in a timely manner, the project is transformed into a practical reality. An asset to community.

Without successful application of the key factors, the project is then transformed into a problem-ridden structure. A deteriment, weakening the vitality of community.

At this time, favorable conditatlons do not exist to support an “all at once” endeavor. The realities of an unstable economy, declining student enrollment due to families relocating out of the area to find employment, increasing student student enrollment In non-public schools, published demographics showing a large percentage of area resident In the senior, middle class and low-income categories, unusual political dynamics and an increase of U.S. war activities requiring participation of women in the child-bearing age. In these times, people need the security of having food on the table, a roof over their heads, and a stable social structure within their community.

Children also need the opportunity for education. The schools do need attention. Conditions are more favorable for a “one school at a time” approach. Conditions are also more favorable for a “one debt at a time” approach based upon a well thought out plan.

An updated plan consisting of utilizing the information index, an integrated design philosophy and the disclosure protocal for building examination — used in combination — would yield better results while reducing a great majority of project-related costs.

Phased financing Is a standard policy for construction projects used by lenders and investors. It ensures the money is used for the intended purpose. It provides protection to both the lender and the borrower should unexpected circumstances arise.

The above information provides an opportunity for LPOSD to demonstrate realistic, responsible proficiency in the utilization of public funds.

