Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| December 1, 2016 12:00 AM

I know I’m swimming upstream but I’m going to say it for all to hear. I’m not in favor of making the Scotchman Peak a wilderness area. There, I said it.

I will tell you why it is not a good thing for Bonner County or the taxpayers. We do not need any more set-asides. We have over half of Bonner County property under U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management or conservation easements. We do not know the future potential for minerals and logging in the Scotchman Peak areas. We do need more property in the market, producing taxes.

I would like to see the Scotchman Peak area developed, adding tax dollars for schools, roads and public services. We need more growth, not more set-asides. We should have a trail system up Scotchman for ATVs so the disabled American veterans can access the peak. But I’m still swimming upstream.

God bless America and our vets,

