Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| December 4, 2016 12:00 AM

Tell me something, what did you get by voting Trump? Honestly, what was the payoff? Not sure? Allow me to enlighten you. According to his fellow Republican candidates — you know, Fiorina, Santorum, Gingrich, Perry, Jindal, Huckabee, and the other jokers — you got a con man, pathological liar, misogynist, racist, narcissist, buffoon, bully, Hitler, fraud, supremacist, blow-hard, demagogue, and fear-mongerer. Jeez, what a sleaze. And you actually voted for this creep?

Now, post-election, we are told we should ignore what the candidate said and what he is and give the president-elect a chance. A chance? A chance for what? Just what do you expect this paragon of virtue to do in the Oval Office — emulate the pope?

Permit me a parallel. What would your opinion be if lesser-educated white men had elected Al “Scarface” Capone? Would you believe the gravity of the job would change him if we just gave the gangster a chance? Or, would you expect him to continue to do what he did: sell bootleg whisky and run a lucrative protection racket for speakeasies in Chicago while eliminating competitors with a Thompson submachine gun?

I don’t vote for candidates with Trump’s qualifications because one inevitably gets what they are — buffoon before the election equals buffoon after the election.

I will, however, think about according President-elect Trump the same courtesy the “Party of No” gave President Obama for eight years running — and you know what that was, don’t you?

