Saturday, June 01, 2024

Center's high tea benefit a success

| December 20, 2016 12:00 AM


—Courtesy photo Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. board member Leslie Marshall styles a dramatic hat at the center’s recent high tea fundraiser.


—Courtesy photo Mary Faux describes one of the many hats she brought to Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc.’s recent high tea fundraiser.


—Courtesy photo Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. volunteer Linda Melia serves cake at the center’s recent high tea fundraiser.

The High Tea fundraiser for the DayBreak Center last Sunday was an extraordinary event with a sold-out crowd.

Betty Overland played piano as the guests arrived and Sandy Jamieson and Darleen Coon and the volunteers served up a British feast served with beautiful china tea cups and saucers.

Mary Faux gave a rousing show of (a small part of) her hat collection with an uncanny sense of intuition for matching the right hat for each recipient.

Safeway and Walmart donated food and organizers paid for the rest of the food so all of the $1,555 raised went directly for helping participants at the DayBreak Center, Sandpoint Area Seniors’ daytime care center for families dealing with Alzheimer’s and memory loss.

SASi Director Ellen Weissman thanked the center’s “awesome” volunteers: Sandy Jamieson, co-coordinator Darlene Coon, co-coordinator Joan Butcher, Barda Cameron, Gladys Englen, Mary Faux, Michelle Harcourt, Nancy Katona, Linda Melia, Loris Michael and Betty Overland.

For information about SASi’s DayBreak Center, call 208.265.8127 or go online to