Saturday, June 01, 2024

Christmas memories, magic fill the air

Staff Writer | December 25, 2016 12:00 AM


—Photo by CAROLINE LOBSINGER Ammi Midstokke paints a design on a youngster’s face at the Sandpoint Waldorf School’s annual Christmas Faire.


—Photo by CAROLINE LOBSINGER River Corcoran concentrates as he makes a candle during the Sandpoint Waldorf School's annual Christmas Faire.


—Photo by CAROLINE LOBSINGER A booth selling wooden toys attracts attention from young fair-goers at the Sandpoint Waldorf School's Christmas Faire.


—Photo by CAROLINE LOBSINGER A young Sandpoint Waldorf student concentrates as she dips her candles into the beeswax at the school's annual Christmas Faire.

SANDPOINT — Magic fills the air at Christmas.

The laughter piercing the air during a classic, good old-fashioned snowball fight. The wind whistling past your ears as you race your sled down a mountain of snow. A plate of fresh-baked cookies and a glass of ice-cold milk, or a steaming cup of cocoa greeting you as you stumbling indoors, stomping the snow from your boots.

Sneaking downstairs, tip-toeing as quietly as you can in the middle of the night to see if you can surprise Santa during his lightning-fast trek around the world.

Fresh-cut pine trees, twinkling lights interspersed with memory-filled ornaments, and family and loved ones gathered around, Christmas carols playing softly in the background.

Hanging stockings by the fireplace, a fire keeping the winter chill at bay amid the breathless anticipation of a magical and memory-filled season.

Heading off to church for Christmas Eve midnight services, the world silent and quiet as you make your way there, Christmas songs joyfully sung by those packing the pews.

That same sense of magic and wonder fill the Christmas memories of students at Sandpoint Waldorf School.

For some, like Mya, it is a special gift such as a piano that had been long wished for; for others, such as Kahlina, it’s a special day where family members surprised their grandparents and turned a power outage into a treasured family adventure. Each has a treasured memory, a story that brings Christmas magic to life.

Below, Sandpoint Waldorf School students share their favorite memories and Christmas stories.

First grade

n Cody — “When I got a remote-control dinosaur.”

n Opal — “When I was 2, I got my first doll that my mom made.”

n Liam — “When I lived at Camphill there was a snow blizzard and I went out in the morning to check on my chickens they were happy.”

n Alex — “The decorations on my tree I remember.”

n Sage — “I went to Wisconsin and had Christmas with my cousins and grandma.”

n Cairn — “I got a buffalo that was the same one that I gave away at the Christmas Faire.”

n Olivia — “When my brothers came to see me and I got Fluffington the hamster.”

n Maryah — “When I went to my grandma’s for Christmas I got two little barrettes in my stocking made with the same little beads that my mom made jewelry with.”

n Everett — “We had Christmas lights so colorful and a star.”

n Henry — “Last year I had Christmas without Olivia and Emmit.”

Second grade

n Calem — “I was in Longmont, Mont., and I woke up and my cousins and I crept to the tree and we saw two Rip Riding Racers under the tree. It was too snowy to ride outside so we got to ride in the house.”

n Kahlina — “Last Christmas we had a big storm. We really wanted to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s but we weren’t sure if we could because of the weather. My aunt, uncle, cousin and my whole family decided to surprise them so we went to their house Christmas Eve morning. The power was out so we played with flashlights until the generator got going. We slept all night and in the morning, Grandma and Grandpa wouldn’t let us go in to where the tree and presents were. Finally, they let us in. We opened presents. The power was still out and we were just about to cook pancakes on the grill, but it finally came back on.”

n Josie — “I remember when we made a gingerbread house. It had little sugar people and it was very fun to make.”

n Isabella — “I was making a gingerbread house with my brother and cousins. We made it out of candy and put so much frosting on it.”

n Trace — “When Santa came to our house, we saw big white footprints after we woke up.”

n Polina — “One Christmas we made a gingerbread house. We used whipped cream to glue the walls together. We put gummies with sugar on them on top of the roof.”

n Oscar — “Four years ago, I opened a big present I got and saw this really cool work table and tool.”

n Owen — “Last year I got a semi-automatic 9-shot 22 and I was very excited about it.”

Third grade

n Ellie — “I remember my first Christmas carol and my first Christmas dinner and my first present.”

n Liran — “I remember my first Christmas decorating the Christmas tree.”

n Brady — “Christmas is fun. I like giving presents.”

n Brogan — “My twin sister and I love playing with our new toys.”

n Lily — “My mom stays up late every night on Christmas and makes breakfast and puts presents under the tree. That is my Christmas.”

n Miles — “I remember when, one Christmas morning, I woke up and I saw a bike. I was very excited.”

n Hope — “My memory of Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree and opening the presents.”

n Jasper — “I remember when we went to the woods and spent on hour finding the best Christmas tree.”

n Callahan — “It is a great time to laugh. It is a time to be merry. If you remember that, you will be happy. Merry Christmas.”

n Camille — “I remember my Grandma’s very good Christmas dinner. Yumm.”

n Vaughn — “When it is Christmas I wake up with joy.”

n Hannah — “I remember when I played in the snow with my sisters. It was fun.”

n Reese — “I love playing in the snow and making snow dogs.”

n Hana — “I remember that last Christmas I go a lot of presents.”

n Aaron — “I remember when I would wake up and go down the stairs and eat my breakfast. Then I would have to wait for my sisters. Then I could open up my presents. Then for dinner I would eat turkey.”

n Hazel — “I remember the day I got my penguin that danced and it was Christmas. The best Christmas ever.”

n Kiera — “My family has an ornament of a picture of me on my first Christmas. I looked like a troll baby. I was a very ugly baby.”

n Charlie — “I woke up at four o’clock one Christmas morning and there were lots of presents, stockings were full, and the carrots that we set out for Santa were eaten.”

n Clarity — “My favorite memory is when my Grandma comes for Christmas and I play the piano.”

Justice — “I remember getting a pack of football cards and sledding. Those are my favorite things.”

Fourth grade

n Ava — “On Christmas I was wrestling and I accidentally made a fist and my sister wasn’t paying attention and punched my loose tooth and I swallowed it.”

n Beverly — “My favorite Christmas holiday was when I was sledding with my dad and we crashed. We laughed so hard it was fun.”

n Lena — “My Christmas memory was when I opened my presents and I got a pair of skis and my mom and dad brought me outside and taught me to ski.”

n Henry ­— “My favorite Christmas memory was when I built an epic snow fort.”

n Ivy — “I remember getting an alarm clock on solstice. It was green and it was the kind of alarm clock that has the bells on top.”

n Isadora ­— “My favorite Christmas memory was when I got a fuzzy teddy bear. I was so happy that I started to cry.”

n Max— “I got for Christmas a cute puppy when I was 9 years old.:

n Miles — “My favorite holiday memory is when I went to Mexico with family members. We had a blast.”

n Mr. Lunde — “I remember going to Chicago for Christmas. My grandfather would light the walkway to his house with candles in paper bags.”

Fifth grade

n Ada — “I went to my great-grandma’s and all of my cousins and family members were there. We baked cookies and my cousin, Maddie, made a Christmas tree cookie and she piled the cookie high with frosting.”

n Neva ­— “A couple of years ago, my grandparents came for Christmas and we went to a Christmas tree farm to get our Christmas tree. I remember really clearly sitting around the campfire eating cookies after we picked out our tree.”

n Kaiya — “Baking sugar cookies with my grandma and decorating them with frosting and sprinkles.”

n Nina — “It was Christmas about four years ago, and I was six. It was Christmas Eve and I was so excited to see Santa that I couldn’t sleep so my mom was sleeping with me to help me fall asleep. Around midnight I heard the door open and I heard footsteps and a whistle and I thought it was Santa on the roof.”

n Mya — “When I was seven on Christmas Eve, my family was staying at my grandpa’s lake house and I asked my mom for a piano and she said, ‘It’s a little late to ask for that, Mya.’ So I went to bed disappointed. When I woke up I went downstairs and my mom pointed to a red ribbon and told me to follow it. It led me all around the house and when I got to the end I was so excited to see it tied to a huge piano.”

n Ethan — “When I was seven I remember waking up on Christmas morning when it was still dark out and being so excited it was Christmas that I woke my brother up. We went out to a work bench by the Christmas tree and we started banging on it and my mother came out and told us to go back to be, it was too early. Christmas hadn’t started yet.”

n Ani — “Every year we go to my great-grandparents’ house and do a white elephant gift exchange. Two years ago, my brother got a singing lobster and he was obsessed with it for a long time until one day it mysteriously broke.”

n Ethan — “About five years ago, my dad and I were home on Christmas and my mom was at the hospital. My dad got a phone call that we were to come to the hospital so my dad and I drove over with all the gifts and when we got to my mom’s room we saw she had had a baby girl.”

n Kasten — “When I was four it was Christmas Eve and I decided to stay up all night to wait for Santa but I ended up falling asleep on the couch. When I heard footsteps, I woke up and saw my dad and I asked him what he was doing. He said he was checking to see if Santa had come yet and that he had. I asked him how Santa got in because he didn’t open the windows or the doors. My dad said he came down the chimney and I had to remind my dad that our house didn’t have a chimney.”

n Katelyn — “On Christmas Eve, my dad asked me if I wanted to sleep on the couch in the living room upstairs but I couldn’t fall asleep. I heard something downstairs so I went to the top of the stairs and saw the piano that I had gotten from Santa. I ran back to the living room and told no one that I had seen my present early until the following week.”

n Berkeley — “When I was five on Christmas day, we were playing bingo at my grandma’s house. I was on my cousin Tessa’s team and when my grandma called the next number I yelled, ‘Bingo.’ and I was so proud because I had beaten my whole family for the first time.”

Sixth grade

n Owen — “My best Christmas memory was when I was 11. We had moved into a new house in the summer and it was our first Christmas in town. On Christmas Eve, we set out cookies and milk for Santa. On Christmas Day, I went into my mom and dad’s room. Then we went into the living room and opened presents with my brother and sister.”

n Boston — “One of my favorite Christmas memories is from when I was five. My sister and I were sharing a room. When we came out of our room and into the living room, there was a play jeep that we rode around the house for a long time. Every year there is one Christmas memory that does not change: It’s Christmas dinner and it is always fun.”

n Tivon — “Since I was 10, my favorite Christmas thing to do is sleep in until my brother and sisters wake me up. My parents made it a rule that all the family has to be awake to open presents.”

n Payton — “When I was nine years old, it was Christmas morning and I had just eaten my breakfast. Suddenly, my neighbors came riding through the woods on horses. They stopped by to say hello and then rode to my other neighbor’s. I opened up my presents and felt a flow of happiness and warmth. What a wonderful Christmas.”

n Meghan — “When I was young, I loved waking up knowing it was Christmas, going downstairs and smelling the delicious food that my mom’s making. Then, after we eat, opening exciting gifts. Going outside in the deep snow, making snowmen and then going inside, drinking hot chocolate and eating candy canes. What a wonderful Christmas.”

Priya — “Last year, I had a great Christmas. I woke up really early and went to my Aunt’s house. We opened gifts, ate cinnamon rolls, and drank hot chocolate. That was an awesome Christmas. My other Christmas memory was when I was nine. My family and I went to Medicine Hat, Canada, and visited my cousins and aunt and uncle. We took walks in the snow, opened gifts, ate delicious food and had a great time. Those are my Christmas memories.”

Jarrah — “My best memory of Christmas was when I was 10. The fun opening presents, our beautiful Christmas tree, and our whole family having so much fun. The holiday season.”

Lola — “I grew up in the tropics so I never experienced a white Christmas. Even though I have never had a snowy Christmas, I still have many great memories. I obviously love Christmas morning, running out to open the presents and drinking hot cocoa. One of my favorite memories was having Christmas lunch with my family and close friends. My all-time favorite memory is just hanging out with my mom and dad and watching them open the presents I had chosen for them. Those are some of my favorite memories and I hope that they get you excited for Christmas.”

Maile — “Last Christmas I woke up extra early and jumped on my parents’ bed. They said, ‘Go back to bed, it’s 5 a.m. Wait until 7.’ My sister and I grumbled in disappointment. We got in bed, but were too full of excitement to sleep so I read my sister Christmas stories for two hours. We always kept one eye on the clock and as soon as it struck 7 a.m., we grabbed our stockings and ran into our parents’ room. We always opened our stockings youngest to oldest in honor of family tradition. The smell of puffed pastries and egg casseroles fill the air as we rushed down to see the tree decked out with candy canes. Christmas is the best, I thought to myself.”

Kysa — “When I was 11 years old my sister, mom, mom’s boyfriend and I went to the movie theater in Coeur d’Alene on Christmas Eve day in our PJs (which I thought was really embarrassing but if I wanted to watch the movie I had to go in my PJs.) Then we went to a hotel and I thought that we were just going to eat lunch there but my mom went up to the front desk and checked us in but they said the room was not ready yet so we looked around. We went down to the spa and I thought my mom was introducing herself but then I realized that the lady was searching for an appointment and then my sister and I got a pedicure and my mom got a massage. Then we went out for dinner and the next morning we drove to my grandma’s and grandpa’s house for Christmas Day.”

Lark — “Last Christmas was my favorite. I always say that when I’m asked because each Christmas is more wonderful than the last. On Christmas Eve I went to my grandma’s house to celebrate with her. Christmas morning there wasn’t any power, but it was still wonderful. After I woke up it took my mom and sister about an hour to get there. My feet were cold and I was contemplating getting some socks when my dad handed me a present and told me to pen it even though the others weren’t there. It was socks. Really warm and fuzzy socks. The power came on and my mom and sister got there. We opened presents and had breakfast. There was still a whole day to do things so we went sledding.”

n AJ — “My fondest Christmas memories are every Christmas my mom and dad make monkey break for Christmas morning. I love opening my presents and giving presents. I have so much fun; we play outside in the snow, eat some candy and have some hot chocolate, sometimes with marshmallows. One year, when I was about eight or nine, I woke up at 3:00 in the morning. I love Christmas time.”

Seventh grade

n Mira — “I remember Christmas four years ago, when we went and got my puppy in Newport. We sang to her the Twelve Days of Christmas with words about her instead all the way home.”

n Della — “One of my favorite Christmas memories is waking up in Mexico on Christmas morning. Sunlight streaming through the window, birds chirping, cacti standing. It felt so majestic waking up somewhere other than my home and challenging tradition.”

n Kylie — “My favorite Christmas memory was when my sister and my present was a scavenger hunt and we found awesome new suitcases and a trip to Hawaii.”

n Owen — “One Christmas it snowed one foot.”

n Anonymous ­—“I remember when I got a 5’ long stuffed snake. I cried, not actually.”

n Anonymous — “My favorite Christmas memory was when my grandparents surprised us with a visit.”

n Mackenzie — “I love the idea of giving. It makes me so happy and I love most presents I get.”

n Anonymous — “My favorite Christmas memory is when I was at my dad’s house years ago, with my sister. She came out with a big, spotted box and inside was a small, black kitten sitting on a light pink pillow with a bow on its neck.”

n Anonymous — “On Christmas Eve I was in the Dominican Republic and Santa came in a big boat with elves that were in tiny, tiny shorts and tops and Santa was wearing shorts.”

n Anonymous — “One Christmas I wanted a scooter. I was so so excited because I knew I was going to get it. On Christmas I got it and tried to ride it and crashed first thing and I cried and cried and cried.”

Eighth grade

n Blake — “My sister’s face when she received a doll house for Christmas. She absolutely loved it.”

n Hattie — “A Christmas tradition that I have many memories about is going all together with my family to get our Christmas tree then coming home to decorate it.”

n Tom — “One of my favorite Christmas memoires is putting up Christmas lights on the mantle, bannister and the tree each year.”

n Charlie — “My favorite Christmas memory is when my family went to Washington, DC.”

n Alena — “My favorite Christmas memory is last year when I was in Italy. My cousins and I stayed up all night on Christmas Eve making paper snowflakes and garlands. Then really late, once we were sure everyone was asleep, we snuck downstairs and decorated the whole living room in hundreds of paper snowflakes. It was really special.”

n Darby —­ “My favorite Christmas memory is when I got clues and found my presents outside.”

n Nikolai — “One of my Christmas memories that I will always remember is our Christmas on Schweitzer as the sun came up. The clouds turned a bright pink and many other warm colors appeared. It to this day is my favorite morning.”

n Reese — “I woke up on Christmas and, being the first one up early Christmas, had to find something to occupy my time until I could come out of my room. When all the kids woke up we made a lot of noise to wake up our parents. After we were all out in the living room, we went straight for the stockings. They were empty and we were all devastated. My brother noticed a piece of paper shoved under the door. That piece of paper was a note and outside the door was a big bag of gifts for each of us. That Christmas I got plenty of books to read and things to do for the weeks to come.”