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| December 27, 2016 12:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID. 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Governor-elect Don Samuelson started out for Boise at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday in his Ford van loaded down with his personal hobby equipment.

This will probably be the last trip for the van which has been a part of the Samuelson Equipment Company. He has sold his company to California interests. It will be moved to Spirit Lake by the new owners, to be renamed the Lakeland Equipment Co.

Samuelson took his three favorite hobbies to the governor’s mansion: his gun collection, coin collection and rock polishing gear.

Mrs. Samuelson, son Steve, and Don’s father, Fred Samuelson will drive to Boise Friday to join Don to prepare for inauguration events. There is a bachelor apartment in the executive mansion which will be occupied by the elder Samuelson



With his inauguration less than a week away, Governor-elect Don Samuelson has announced only one new appointment to his state administration, James A. Defenbach.

Defenbach, a captain in the Idaho Air National Guard, is the son of a former state treasurer. If confirmed, he will be the state budget director. The Boisean is 40, an assistant auditor and an instructor at Mountain Home Air Force Base.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Dec. 27, 1916 — PROTEST BONDS

A special school board session Monday and an informal session Wednesday followed by a citizens’ meeting at city hall in regard to the proposed new high school building resulted in extensive alterations of plans and a wide split in factional opinion relative to the measure. The spirit of the citizens’ meeting was one of opposition to further bonding of the school district.

As planned the new building is to occupy the ground just east of the Central building facing Second avenue, with a wing extending westward, allowing entrance from the existing school, this wing housing the gymnasium and auditorium.



Fire at the residence of Dr. F.W. Kellogg, 211 Cedar street Friday night about 9:30 resulted in total destruction of the dwelling and partial destruction of the Ross Feed store, next door.

The exact origin of the fire has not been ascertained, but the theory has been advanced that it was due to an electric heater in the Kellogg residence. Mrs. Kellogg is at present visiting near Clarksfork and at the time the fire was discovered Dr. Kellogg was down town.



L. Kauffman of Smith River, Calif., has bought the Berg ranch at Oden Bay.

“Bill” Brashear of Clarksfork has been in the city a few days on business and visiting friends.

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