Saturday, June 01, 2024

Nomination draws support

by Judd Wilson Staff Writer
| December 28, 2016 12:00 AM

PRIEST RIVER — Elected officials representing the area are embracing the news that Rep. Ryan Zinke, 23-year Navy SEAL veteran and first-term congressman from nearby Montana, will be the next Secretary of the Interior. President-elect Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Zinke for the post Dec. 15.

State Sen. Shawn Keough, R-Sandpoint, said, “I do not know Congressman Zinke personally but hear positive comments about his service from my colleagues in Montana. From their description it sounds as though Congressman Zinke is a reasonable and responsible leader and if so will be a common sense leader as Secretary of the Interior. Common sense is an important skill for the myriad of challenges facing public land management in the United States and I’m hopeful for the best.”

State Rep. Heather Scott said, “I am hopeful his nomination will have a positive effect for western states and North Idaho specifically as we struggle with constant economic and recreational impacts brought on by the Endangered Species Act and the Equal Access to Justice Act.”

She also said she hoped Zinke would work to modify the ESA and EAJA, and forcefully handle the vital issue of water rights in the West.

“Water adjudication throughout the West and in particular in North Idaho is a critical issue. Mr. Zinke says he believes that infrastructure is the most critical water resource development issue for the West. Water rights and how the federal government ultimately deal with states regarding Native American claims is going to polarize communities and states. Mr. Zinke will hopefully surround himself with like-minded westerners who understand state sovereignty, water availability, water rights and private property rights to stave off potential unrest relating to water,” said Scott.

State Rep. Sage Dixon was also unfamiliar with Zinke personally, but said “I’m optimistic that we have a good opportunity to make some changes in our federal land policy out West and thankful that it’s a Western representative that was selected for that position.”

Sen. Mike Crapo said, “It is welcomed news that a Westerner will be at the helm of the Interior Department. I look forward to working with someone who understands and has advocated for the issues most pressing to Western states.”

CEO and President of Defenders of Wildlife, Jamie Rappaport Clark, called Zinke’s selection “a disappointment.”

“While Rep. Zinke is on record opposing the outright sale of federal lands and supporting needed funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, his legislative record reveals targeted attacks on our public lands. He has repeatedly promoted increased logging, drilling, grazing and mining on federal lands throughout the country,” said Clark.