Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| December 29, 2016 12:00 AM

We need to fix the way the president of the United States is elected and we have four years to do it. How hard can this be?

We live in the computer age and no longer use whale oil lamps and drive horse-drawn buggies. Stop the Electoral College and those electors who just vote they way they want. Let the polling places demand a photo ID and a Social Security number when you vote. Toss out all of those old antiquate voting machines and replace them with voting machines that people cannot use to cheat and cast more then one ballot. Then advise the news media that they are not allowed to broadcast the election results until that last polling place has closed. Let the people decide not some idiot electors.

Does anyone really believe that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote? Come on, everyone knows how crooked she is.

