Saturday, June 01, 2024

Step by step, you can achieve goals

| December 30, 2016 12:00 AM

Well, how was your 2016? Did you use your days to work toward something meaningful? Hours turn into days and days to into … decades, if we aren’t deliberate about the way we spend our life currency, AKA our time.

The thought of setting goals to many people is boring at best, paralyzing at worst. Admitting that we have the control to set our own course and change unsatisfactory circumstances can be the first, and most frightening hurdle. The temptation to blame others for not realizing our dreams or for feeling “stuck” may be keeping us from turning our dreams into realistic goals.

I am not talking about New Year’s resolutions here. Setting a nebulous goal and giving yourself all year to do it is a formula for failure. So what is the strategy for success? It is actually pretty simple — and it should be because the process is hard. Overturning the deeply entrenched habits that keep us repeating our mistakes year after year requires a plan and a clearly defined goal. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

If you are anything like me, your mind may have just burst into a Black Eyed Peas song. Fine. It makes a great soundtrack for this activity. I’m going to break it down into 5fivesimple steps.

1. List your top five values in life — the things you live for

2. Set a long range goal for each value — something to shoot for

3. Set a goal that you can reasonably achieve in a year for each long-range goal.

4. Break each annual goal into four parts that you can complete in three months — quarterly goals.

5. Tackle quarterly goals with daily tasks. Make your daily to-do list count toward your goals.

Along the way, take a minute to acknowledge your accomplishments — maybe even plan a small reward for reaching the goal by your stated deadline as an incentive to avoid procrastination. Another tip: make your daily list the night before to increase morning productivity and resist excessive planning (another form of procrastination).

Boom. You are a goal-setting, high-achieving rock star.

You will find tons of great resources for setting and achieving your goals at the Clark Fork and Sandpoint branches of the East Bonner County Library District, the Bookmobile (which is now running!) and the digital library on One of our friendly library staff can help you find what you are looking for. You might find something to advance you toward your goals at one or more of this week’s workshops or events. All of the following take place at the Sandpoint Branch, 1407 Cedar Street, unless otherwise noted.

• Friday, Dec. 30 —Computer class on computer basics, 8:15 a.m. sharp. Learn about the parts of a computer, computer terminology, memory, navigation and accessibility. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Information: 263-6930.

• Tuesday, Jan. 3 — Mother Goose Reading & Singing, 10:15 a.m.; for ages 0-3.

• Tuesday, Jan. 3 — Preschool Story Time, 11 a.m.; for ages 2-5.

• Tuesday, Jan. 3 — Make It at the Library, 3 p.m.; Makerspace activities for kids including robotics, Arduinos, Legos and fiber arts.

• Tuesday, Jan. 3 — Robotics with Lego Mindstorm, 3 p.m.; for ages 8 and above. Event held at the Clark Fork Library.

• Wednesday, Jan. 4 — Clark Fork Stories and More, 10:30 a.m. Stories, crafts, prizes and snacks for kids ages 3-8. Clark Fork branch.

• Wednesday, Jan. 4 — 3D printing workshop for adults, 11 a.m. Learn what 3D printers are used for and how to design your own 3D printable object. This class is beginner level. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Event is held at the East Bonner County Library District’s Clark Fork branch, 601 Main St. Please note different start time. For information, call 266-1321.

• Wednesday, Jan. 4 — Winter Reading Program starts. The library’s annual Kids Winter Reading program runs from Jan. 4 through March 10. Pick up bingo sheets to qualify for prizes! For more information, contact Suzanne at 263-6930, ext. 1211; or

• Wednesday, Jan. 4 — Make It at the Clark Fork Library, 2 p.m. Kids make age-appropriate crafts at the Clark Fork Library.

• Wednesday, Jan. 4 — Lego Club, 2 p.m. Create with open Lego play for kids of all ages.

• Thursday, Jan. 5 — Friends of the Library presentation, 12 p.m. Program will be: “Ice Age Mega-Floods: A Phenomenon to the Pacific Northwest”, by Tony Lewis from the Ice Age Floods Institute. The focus will be on the physical processes and resultant landscapes of the ice age flood features in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Event will be held at the East Bonner County Library District’s Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St.

• Saturday, Jan. 7 — Computer class on internet basics, 8:15 a.m. sharp. The amount of information available on the internet is staggering. Learn how to sift through it efficiently to find useful information. Space is limited and preregistration is required. Information: 263-6930. Event is held at the Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St.

• Saturday, Jan. 7 — Sandpoint Friends of the Library book sale, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Support the Friends of the Library and find some good deals for yourself at the January used book and media sale featuring Nordic mysteries, Westerns, oversize table-top books and North Pole and South Pole exploration books. Also find DVDs and CDs. Event is held at the Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St.