Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 5, 2016 1:00 AM

I wanted to extend my appreciation to those who supported me during the recent appointment process for the Lake Pend Oreille School District Zone 1 trustee. I was humbled by the outpouring of support including the endorsement of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee. Thank you to those who wrote emails, letters to the editor, and spoke out on local radio shows.

I was the only applicant who had school board experience and who had endured the campaign process for the position. Even though I was not appointed or nominated, I feel the school district still lacks balance and tax payers have no voice or representation.

With that in mind, I ask everyone to become fully informed regarding the upcoming $55 million LPOSD plant levy. Do not rely on the school district as your sole source of information, because it has a vested interest in its passage and will be trying to “sell” this levy.

The election will be held on Aug. 30. Take advantage of early voting or use an absentee ballot if necessary. This will affect you directly so decide whether you want your school taxes to double.

