Saturday, June 01, 2024

The ridin' is easy; now make it safe

| July 6, 2016 1:00 AM

I’m pretty sure in every parenting book I never read, there’s a line or two about example setting. And because I’ve successfully ignored most parenting advice, my youngster talks like a drunken pirate and tries to eat cookies right before dinner.

However, in matters left out of parenting pamphlets, like bike safety, double checking your belay knots, and wearing a helmet when you ski, I’m pretty determined to lead by example. It’s why I signal when I ride. Why I climb with a helmet while everyone else looks much cooler. It’s why I make sure I don’t get caught stuffing my face with cookies before dinner (which isn’t to say I am not hiding in the laundry room doing just that).

With summer in full swing and it being easier to grab the bike to hit the road, I thought I’d rest from running a bit, ride with the kid every day and focus on bike safety. Much to my horror, I discovered my kid rides safer than I do.

She signals every time. She actually STOPS at stop signs, then berates me for rolling them. She ensures her helmet is fitted correctly. She yields to pedestrians. And when I asked her what the Golden Rule of Riding was, she said, “Stay to the right,” with a roll of her eyes that suggested I probably should not be allowed to ride at all.

If any of you have ever ridden with a small child, you’ll recall their serpentine training to be the stuff of adrenaline rushes as they swerved over lines in oblivious curves. I hear it gets even when you try to teach them to drive, which may require that I take up the use of sedatives.

Now that summer is upon us and we’re all sharing the roads, I wanted to remind all of us riders and drivers of some bike etiquette on the roads.

Parents: For the love of coffee, please don’t let your kids ride without a helmet. Teach them rules of the road. Ride on the right, signal, turn down the iPod, yield to pedestrians and anything that can run you over.

Kids: Follow the rules of the road. You five boys I saw on your trick bikes riding against traffic, like some flock of wayward wheeled birds moving across Highway 2: I may have to steal your bikes if I see you doing it again. I think you gave no less than 47 drivers heart attacks.

Drivers: The streets are going to be filling up with seasoned and unseasoned riders soon. Take care of us. A few of us might miss a stop sign, or hop a curb, or serpentine just a little. But for the most part, we’re just like you. Only carbon neutral.

Everyone: Ride your bike to work or school this week! There are bike stations and bake sales set up all over town. It’s a perfect way to start your day with a little movement and a lot of fresh Pend Oreille air.

Ammi Midstokke can be reached at