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Area teen adds shine with 7B Windows

News editor | July 7, 2016 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — There are plenty of Bonner County teens who are happy to wile away their downtime from high school hanging out at City Beach or staring into the screens of mobile devices.

Nathan Roe is not among them. The 17-year-old opened 7B Windows last November. It was initially slow going because November is hardly the peak of window-cleaning season.

But Roe’s persistence began paying off.

“I went door to door downtown and was able to drum up some business for it,” said Roe, who will be a Sandpoint High School senior when the new school year starts this fall.

Roe is now cleaning windows for Pita Pit and Trinity and City Beach.

“I was really happy to get the Trinity job,” said Roe.

Roe also picked up some residential clients, although his services don’t include cleaning windows on buildings more than a story high.

Roe said he picked up some advice from a high school custodian, who gave him some of the basic equipment needed to restore the luster in people’s windows.

“I didn’t really see any downside to doing it,” Roe said of 7B’s launch.

Roe said the business allows him to market himself while taking pride in doing a thorough job.

“There’s no hiding the work you do,” he said.

Roe plans to attend Boise State to study human biology before going to medical school to become a cardiologist.

Roe’s business venture is not impinging on his academic career. He is among the top 10 percent of his class.

“The kid maintains a 4.2 GPA,” said Roe’s father, Mark.

• For more information about 7B Windows, call 304-3322 or send an email to