Saturday, June 01, 2024

Are you ready to give your life to Jesus Christ?

| July 8, 2016 1:00 AM

I have been reflecting on James’ words this past month: “What is your life? It is a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).

I lost three friends this past month to sudden deaths. All three were healthy and all three were making plans for the future. Two of my friends were apparently waiting for the “right time” to give their lives to Jesus. They had better things to do and they had plenty of time, or so they thought.

It’s in times like this that we are reminded how fleeting this life really is. You and I never know when our life will come to an end, whether due to a prolonged illness or a sudden demise.

My friends were all about my age and they had no idea that life would end that day. There was no warning of an oncoming truck for my friend on his bicycle, or a sudden heart attack in front of his wife for another, or a sudden coma for my childhood friend of 60 years.

My father-in-law also died this past month. My wife and I were with him as he slowly declined. We knew he was going to die. He knew it as well.

There was a difference with him. We could make him comfortable and help him through the process and pray with him. He knew he would be with Jesus after his last breath. He was 82 but still, his life was just a “mist that vanishes away.”

I know this might sound fatalistic or maybe even a little morbid, but this past month I have been very aware that this day might be my last.

I turned 65 this year, I’m in good health and I’m fairly active. So were my friends.

My health, my financial status, my good marriage, even my faith and relationship with Jesus Christ will not stand in the way of my ultimate death.

My life on this planet is going to end. I’d like to live a long and productive life, but as with my three friends, I have no guarantee of that.

My point is this: Life is a blessing and what we do while we are here is very important because one day it will all be over, and in spite of what some say, there are no second chances. Are you ready for that day, that day when your heart will stop beating? That day when you will face eternity?

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Those are probably the most divisive words ever spoken because most everybody thinks they are going to go to heaven, but there is only one way — through Jesus Christ.

No matter how well I have lived, how many people I have helped, or how spiritual I think I am, while those may be great accolades at my funeral, they will not grant me access into heaven.

Jesus is the only way.

He holds the truth of life and life to the full. And He holds the keys to life everlasting.

“What is your life? It is a mist that appears for little while and then vanishes away.”

Greg Barnes is pastor at New Song Bible Church. He can be reached at the church, 470250 Highway 95, Sagle, or by phone at 208-265-2553.