Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 10, 2016 1:00 AM

Recently there was a commotion in the backyard; girlfriend of 10 years gets up (property owner), several Sandpoint Police and Bonner County Sheriff’s deputies are attempting entry into the back studio/storage area. They told her to stand off, and arrested her for “resisting arrest,” handcuffed her, and several laser lights pointed at her.

Now this gets confusing — are lasers the intent of actually shooting someone, or tasering them. In this community, you don’t know for sure. They were attempting to serve an unlawful “no-contact order” but with no warrant or official documentation, entered the building, attempted to kick the door in with no announcement. No Miranda rights were cited.

She is 62-plus years old, being treated for breast cancer, had two each MRIs on her lower back and hip two weeks ago, endured knee surgery last fall, and an officer is throwing her around, handcuffing her, and she’s being threatened by a minimum of five law enforcement officers. In fact, word is the SWAT vehicle had been dispatched. This is over a 19-year-old girl’s breakup with boyfriend; in fact, to my knowledge, the judiciary is throwing the case out for no justification.

Phone call to city prosecutor, no response; chief of police is not available. If you even mention a potential law enforcement shooting in this community, you will engage hostilities from law enforcement personnel. This is wrong, Ruby Ridge, Randy Weaver, and Bo Gritz had it all right.

Never forget and don’t give up our rights.

