Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 12, 2016 1:00 AM

I wish Steve Klatt had taken a “public service” instead of strong-arm tone to his recommendations and safety measures for Garfield Bay’s July 4th celebration. We might have talked about ways to nurture the sense of community responsibility that goes along with our abundant freedoms. Instead, the bay was churning with us versus them (mostly us versus him) dialog. Some were concerned it would evolve to open acts of defiance.

I am not partial to large events where there’s drinking and kids around individuals setting off really loud bomb-like devices, young teens screaming through the street on motor bikes and four wheelers overloaded with folks including small kids. But the peak event only lasts about 12 hours. There were a lot of happy people having fun, the show is exceptional and the beach was totally cleaned up the next morning. It’s what a lot of Americans like to do.

In the 35 years my family has lived in Garfield Bay, we’ve seen a lot of edgy lawless behavior but that has all but disappeared since the proprietors of Odies Bayside Grocery opened for business. They have stimulated a community spirit that has fostered a safe family atmosphere. Skip and Mary Gayle Young and the group of supporters and volunteers they have organized work very hard to make this event beautiful, fun and safe. The county assistance with parking issues, and on-duty sheriff presence gave many people an extra sense of safety and order.

