Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 19, 2016 1:00 AM

In response to the quotes attributed to me in your recent article regarding the BID and the Sandpoint City Council, I would request that when a reporter attributes comments to an individual, they not be taken out of context as mine were.

In particular the “quote” about volunteering did not accurately represent my attitude or the exchange with the mayor. The mayor asked me that if changes were made to the BID that would address my concerns as a business that is not receiving benefit, would I be a BID supporter? My response was yes and I added that, although I am an active volunteer in the community, I have not, nor would I at this point, volunteer for BID activities.

I greatly appreciated the discussion initiated by the mayor and council members regarding the BID and the mayor’s pointing out that the administrative costs of the BID that are over 50 percent of the BID budget.

The BID is a non-optional tax for city business owners. It is administered in a way that the tax-paying citizens have no voice. I have yet to be contacted by my BID representative. I have had to initiate any contact myself that is outside of general newsletters and the occasional email. I attend every BID meeting that is held and yet have no voice or input in the way my tax monies are spent. The BID tax does not work, nor does it represent the needs of businesses in existence in the city now. It’s time for a change.

