Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 21, 2016 1:00 AM

The state of Idaho’s Federal Affordable Housing and Community Development program’s public notice on the new National Housing Trust Fund program in a recent Daily Bee is indicative of a big problem we have within our republic and the demise of federalism. The title alone should give pause to anyone who understands the concept of federalism. (A form of government in which there is a division of powers between two levels of government of equal status.) This plan reads like there is a division of power — but in fact, it is more submission to the edicts of Washington, D.C., as we mere peasants scramble for a place at the federal trough.

I tried to read the “plan” and though I am an attorney, a retired colonel, and a former U.S. civil service GS-13, even I must admit this plan hit new highs for bureaucratic double speak. Just the wording of the public notice should give us fair warning of the contents within the plan. Of most concern, please read p.67: barriers to affordable housing. “Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public (read state and local) policies that serve as barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the return on residential investment.”

That, my friends, is not federalism and you should be very afraid, as this “plan” will remove local land use control and puts the feds in charge. Silence is consent.

