Saturday, June 01, 2024

Panida playing host to diverse range of movies

| July 21, 2016 1:00 AM

A diverse offering of movies are set to hit the Panida screen this week.

They are:

n “The Hunt for the Wilderpeople” — A surprise audience favorite at Sundance, “The Wilderpeople” is the wacky story of the way-unlikely alliance between a troublesome teenager and a surly, wilderness loving loner. “Wilderpeople” was written and directed by New Zealand’s Taika Waititi.

The film has a gently absurdist quality being simultaneously sweet but with a sensibility, mixing adventure and comedy. Much of this tone comes from the novel “Wilderpeople” is based on, “Wild Pork and Watercress” by Barry Crump, an author so beloved in New Zealand he has sold more than a million books in a 4 million-person country.

Starring some of New Zealand’s top actors, including Sam Neill, letter-perfect as unbending outdoorsman Hec Faulkner, “Wilderpeople” wouldn’t be the success it is without its 13-year-old costar, Julian Dennison.

The film opens deep in the beautiful New Zealand bush, with a police car headed for a remote cabin. In the back seat is sullen Ricky Baker (Den-nison), a city kid far from home. Taking Ricky to the latest in a string of foster homes are a policeman and a Child Welfare official, who ominously describes Ricky as “a bit of a handful, a real bad egg.” It becomes clear that Ricky is not a bad boy, just neglected. It takes a bit to warm Hec’s heart but there’s not much time for warm and fuzzy moments when circumstances shift and outrunning the law takes precedence.

Every once in a while, a small, unheralded film comes along, so smart and funny, such a pleasure to experience, you can’t believe your luck. “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” is such a film and if you enjoyed “Dough”, you will no doubt laugh and smile this week at the Panida.

The film is showing Thursday, July 21, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, July 23, at 5:30 p.m. It is rated PG-13 for some violent content and for some language.

n “Enest and Celestine” — Also this weekend, this time for the younger set, “Ernest and Celestine” is an animated movie about a fun adventure that packs a lot of charm into a small story about the friendship between a bear and a mouse. Celestine is an artist and a dreamer — and when she nearly ends up as breakfast for ursine troubadour Ernest, the two form an unlikely bond. But it isn’t long before their friendship is put on trial by their respective bear-fearing and mice-eating communities. Special price — only $4 for general admission. The film is showing Saturday, July 23, and Saturday, July 30, at 3:30 p.m. each day. The film is rated PG

n “Me Before You” — The film finally arrives at the Panida. Previously reviewed but held back by the distributors, the film opens July 22 for happy hour Friday at 5:30 p.m. Additional showings will be 8:30 p.m., Saturday, and Sunday’s mimosa matinee at 3:30 p.m. The film is rated PG-13 for some thematic elements and some suggestive material.

n Coming soon — The Panida Playhouse presents “Charades at Five” for dinner theater on Tuesday, July 26, and thursday, July 28. Reservations required. Also, “Swiss Army Man”, “Free State of Jones” and, from Denmark, the “Department Q Triology” and Gallagher’s “Final Tour.”

All at Sandpoint’s Panida Theater — historically hip since 1927!