Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| July 26, 2016 1:00 AM

Donald Trump brags about a lot of things — his wealth, his business success, his intellect and his judgment. But, he’s yet to provide positive evidence of any of those characteristics. Have we seen financial statements or tax returns or college transcripts?

He points to his opposition to the Iraq War as an indication of his good judgment. But I challenge anyone to find documentation of Trump’s opposition to the war prior to its start on March 19, 2003. His braggadocio on this point is ubiquitous, from candidate debates to regular Hillary floggings. But, you will not find, nor will Trump be able to produce, an iota of evidence to support his claim. There is evidence that he supported the idea of a war with Iraq as early as Sept. 11, 2002, six months before it began.

This is no different than most of his claims. However, like his hard evidence that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, support for this contention is MIA.

