Saturday, June 01, 2024

Dealing with all of the hiccups in your life

| July 27, 2016 1:00 AM

Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to just eat without worrying about how many calories you are consuming? Good grief. How exhausting it must be for some people who are beginning their own transformation journey.

What if I were to recommend not doing that and simply focus on real, clean food? Would you think I’ve completely lost my mind? Perhaps you would feel a little relieved? Maybe a little of both? (Wink, wink.)

Here’s the deal. The biggest mistake I see individuals make is to subscribe to the “all or nothing” approach to health and wellness. What’s THAT mean? They decide that it’s time to improve their health. They change their nutrition, they start working out and everything runs fairly smooth until there is a small hiccup in their plan. Your cousin Betty is getting married and ya gotta attend the wedding where all kinds of food will be served. (Insert eye roll and deep sigh here.)

Let me tell you a little secret: One meal is not going to mess up your health transformation. What will interfere is the all or nothing approach— again. It’s foolish to think there won’t be any circumstances that will come into your life that may derail one meal. Your choice at this point is to not allow it to affect the next meal and the next meal and the next week or meals. You get my drift.

Plan for small hiccups within your own personal journey. It’s called life and we all have them. It’s no big deal. Let go of the all-or-nothing approach and welcome the simplicity that comes with a plan.

Natalie Dreger can be reached at