Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 28, 2016 1:00 AM

England voted to leave the EU with one of the reasons cited being the influx of refugees from Syria. After World War I, England’s interference in the Middle East is the main cause for the current Middle East mess.

Since, historically, England is the most racist country ever on the planet, it would be fitting that all Syrian refugees be sent there.

England has a long way to go to make up for the horrors it has visited upon indigenous peoples around the world. (It was the English who brought us slavery.)

It used to be said, “the sun never sets on the British empire.” It should have been, “the sun never sets on the Bruuutish empire.”

You British monarchy lovers need to read some American history and learn why we got rid of the English, the best thing we ever did.

After the American Revolution, England supported our enemies in several wars. When that didn’t work, several times England tried to make our economy fail.

Why Americans are so gaga over the British monarchy is a mystery to me. These Americans need to understand that the English still consider themselves to be superior to all others in the world, including us.

