Saturday, June 01, 2024

Angels, Ivano's announce Lippi Scholars

| June 7, 2016 1:00 AM

The Angels Over Sandpoint, a long time non-profit, has been distributing money to those in need in our county for many years.

A joint venture between Ivano’s Restaurante and The Angels Over Sandpoint, “The Italian Open Golf Scramble” is held each September, to benefit this scholarship fund.

“Jim Lippi was a role model for his Ivano’s employees and many in our community,” said Realtor Helen Milne. “He led by example in caring for others, not just for some, but treating everyone with respect and dignity. Jim had patience, a great sense of humor and humility.

“He did much for our community, not for praise, but because it was the right way to live. Most importantly Jim had great love and caring of family and the Sandpoint community.”

To honor Jim Lippi and his family, donations made in memory of Jim will go into this future fund along with the proceeds from the golf scrambles, Milne said.

“Thanks go out to all those in the community who have contributed with donations, or by participating in the September event,” she added.

This coming year’s “Italian Open” will take place at StoneRidge on Sept. 16.

The scholarships have, and will continue to assist students in Bonner County who wish to improve their lives through furthering their education, Angels Over Sandpoint and Lippi family members said.

Beyond financial need, Lippi Scholars show “resiliency,” special drive, courage and determination to be successful in high school, overcoming obstacles that might have derailed others.

“These students have a plan for college /or trade school that will lead to sustainability as productive adults,” Milne said.