Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 9, 2016 1:00 AM

Ironic that Lake Pend Oreille School District avoided discussion on transgender policy since January 2016? Silence is consent. Unlike West Bonner County, local school board leadership under LPOSD Chairman Steve Youngdahl and Forrest M. Bird Charter School Vice Chairwoman Kate McAlister, have avoided discussion and/or opposition to transgender policy. Unifying alongside Idaho’s highest legal authority, A.G. Wasden, opposing transgender policy would be representative leadership to the moral and Christian will of perhaps 80 percent of this community.

The issue isn’t about creating “transgender” bathrooms … it’s about permitting anyone to decide which bathroom or changing room to enter based on their perceived, rather than their biological, sexual identity. How are criminal deviants, posing as “transgender,” prevented from preying on innocent people? Natural Law defined: one’s right to act is without interference of another’s right. Silence for fear of insensitivity is emasculate leadership and policy.

Again, local school board policy is being dictated by federal funding, aka, coercion. Reason to question the August $55 million plant facility levy.

