Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 12, 2016 1:00 AM

Where is the Idaho Republican Party leading us? Or maybe the more important question is why?

This past weekend, the Rs gathered in Nampa for their biennial convention. Their primary purpose was to elect party leadership. This time they were organized enough to get the job done and fend off challenges from the nutty right.

However, that’s small comfort in light of the fact that Donald Trump is their nominee for president and that the theme of their convention was — faith, family, freedom and firearms.

I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they are enamored with F words. But, kidding aside, what does that mean as leadership and, equally important, how does it translate to governance and public policy?

We still have a general election in November. There are candidates on the ballot offering an alternative to right-wingnut Republicans. It’s time to take them seriously.

