Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 21, 2016 1:00 AM

It’s great that our 911 system can now be contacted via text and email. However, it also would be great if the system would actually respond to calls for help. About three years ago, a friend, who is bipolar, went into a serious manic state and threatened several people with physical harm. Three different people, who live in the county, called 911 and were brushed off, presumably on orders from the sheriff’s office.

I called Sheriff Wheeler’s office several days later to discuss the problem with him. Twice, I was told by an aide that he would get back to me. I tried again over a week or two later and was told that he would not talk to me. Of course, I should have persisted, even by going to his office, but I didn’t.

Sheriff Wheeler should worry more about protecting citizens from immediate harm than from Islamist terrorists he imagines poised at the Long Bridge. The County Board of Supervisors should make sure this never happens again, and they should wonder why the sheriff would so arrogantly dismiss a citizen’s concern.

