Saturday, June 01, 2024

Yes, you can improve your health, fitness

| June 29, 2016 1:00 AM

Are your clothes tighter than they have ever been?

Do you have jeans that haven’t seen the light of day for several months, maybe even years?

We all try to maintain a healthy physique and for some reason, we allow obstacles to negatively creep into our life.

Between the existing work week, shuffling kids around, laundry, grocery store and basically just trying to keep up with everything, we often lose sense of our priorities.

It is mandatory that you put yourself on that lengthy list of priorities, somewhere preferably near the top of the list. If you don’t do this, you will wake up one day wondering where the years have gone, asking yourself, “How could I let myself go?” Little Johnny just graduated high school a few weeks ago while it seems like yesterday he was starting kindergarten.

We must start taking control of our health and our life.

Why in the world would you continue to wait any longer? What are you waiting for? Do you even know the answer?

The majority of my clients that I have coached over the last 11 years simply need direction, support and a clear plan that will deliver the results that they are seeking.

Perhaps this is where you fit in as well. “Just provide me with the steps to take and I’m on it.” Sound familiar?

I am a parent, just like the rest of you. I understand the time constraints, outside commitments, sports schedules, grocery store trips and the laundry pile that never seems to diminish.

Everyone has a list of things that need to be accomplished that is a mile long that never truly is completely finished before you need to add, yet another, thing to do.

The merry-go-round of taking care of everyone and everything else but yourself and your health is constantly moving.

Guess what? The option to manage that merry-go-round is completely in YOUR control.

Are you ready to do something positive for you? If you find it challenging to get and stay motivated to incorporate exercise in your daily routine, find someone who you can buddy up with to help you stay motivated.

Find a support system that will work for you so that you can enjoy your journey.

I would love to hear from you! What is the biggest meal that you currently struggle with for yourself or your family?

Natalie is a certified fitness trainer who guarantees results. She can be reached at: