Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| November 1, 2016 1:00 AM

With all the negativity going on in this political campaign season, I want to point out one election here in Bonner County that’s a nice break from that: Dan McDonald, who is the candidate for county commissioner.

Dan ran an ethical, respectful campaign and handily won the primary and is now the only name on the ballot for commissioner in District 3 on Nov. 8 He has not been resting on his laurels, though.

You can find him every week at public and private events and meetings, including, of course, the county commissioners’ meetings, listening, educating himself on issues, and he arrives armed with research he’s already done on topics up for discussion. We know from his years on the Face-to-Face radio show how much time he puts into researching topics, even going to locations and talking with the people involved.

That’s a strength and a commitment we need in that position. We’re looking forward to attending commissioners’ meetings with Dan in place.

