Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

I am ashamed of our current representative, Heather Scott. I am a registered Republican and I am not voting for Heather.

My first experience with this person was at a Republican-held forum prior to the primary this spring. I went to the forum with eyes open and ready to learn what I could about each candidate. Heather was present but was not a participant in the forum. Instead, she sat at the back of the room and participated in cat calling, booing and generally disrupting the meeting of her own party.

She may be educated she may be passionate, but she is misdirected. Her main goal is to disrupt our state government, to support criminals against the United States of America (ie Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation) and to generally participate in a subversive seditious campaign against the United States government.

The only part of the Constitution of the United States she supports is the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms). She does not listen to your concerns as citizens of District 1A and chances are, she never will. She turned down a local radio station who requested she come and discuss some issues opposite Kate McAlister who is running against her because her perception of the station was that they were liberal.

I will vote across party lines on this one, folks, because I will not align myself with people in Heather’s camp who have slung mud at Ms. McAlister from one end of this district to the other. And, by the way, I am not the only Republican who feels this way including state level Republican legislators who urged Kate to run as they consider our incumbent an embarrassment to the state of Idaho and to the county she currently represents.

Really people, get a grip on reality and vote for Kate McAlister who is more qualified, has more experience working for the people of Idaho and who genuinely cares about all of us and the future of this fine state.

