Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| November 4, 2016 1:00 AM

Chuck Malloy, in the ISJ, describes Sen. Mike Crapo’s turn about on Donald Trump and recounts the senator’s explanations for his wavering.

If the senator’s explanations do not make sense to you, here are my interpretations.

Crapo touts he is “an outsider in Washington, fighting the establishment.” How can he claim this when he has been in office for 24 years and taken millions in special interest money?

Crapo says that he is fighting “an explosion of government and the national debt.” Since he has been in office, government has grown (regardless of what party has been in charge) and our national debt has exploded out of control.

Crapo maintains he is fighting for a free economy. This free market includes the financial industry interest groups that given him millions while he is in a position of oversight.

I urge voters to look closely at Jerry Sturgill for Senate. It is time for someone to be in the Senate who cares more for Idaho and less for special interests.

