Saturday, June 01, 2024

Marches, refugees, and politics raise concerns

| November 22, 2016 12:00 AM

I am writing to express my concerns about what has happened, and is happening now, in our great country.

1. Protest marches — it appears they are well organized. Mr. Trump is our new president in spite of the marches. According to some reports, there is upward of 15 million illegals in the U.S. Has our “unbiased” media looked into who is leading, organizing, or the make-up of the marchers? We get detailed reports of why the liberals lost the election, but they have remained silent except for advertising the marches.

2. Refugee problems — I don’t hate Muslims, but am concerned about how many have been brought in. (I’m not afraid.) We never know when some become radicalized. There are plenty of examples in the U.S. We have reports of Muslims taking over entire communities where Muslim laws become the law of the land, and local police won’t go in. Muslims shut down an interstate in Minnesota. Special exemptions have been made regarding schools and religious activities.

We just have to look at worldwide trouble spots and see what is happening. President Barack Obama has located groups throughout our land. Past history should make us concerned. How many are now in Spokane, Boise, etc. The media is again silent.

3. Disparity between Congress and “the masses.” It took me over 30 years to get a pension. It takes them one term. Why the exemptions from the laws they make? There are many other “perks” that we are aware of.

4. I am concerned about the lack of investigation into things like the Clinton Foundation and other shady goings-on. Where is our “unbiased” media (and law enforcement)? In my opinion, there was collusion and political involvement in other so-called investigations.

The above concerns are just a starting point. You can be sure I pray for our country.

