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| November 25, 2016 12:00 AM

Sravasti Abbey opens its doors on Sunday, Dec. 4, for Sharing the Dharma Day, a monthly presentation and sharing of ideas that anyone can use to bring greater peace and happiness to their lives.

The the day-long event includes guided Buddhist meditation, a talk on the topic of the day, a vegetarian potluck lunch, and after-lunch discussion. The programs begins at 9:45 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. Sravasti Abbey is located at 692 Country Lane near Newport, Wash.

Sravasti Abbey is the only Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the U.S. where Western monks and nuns train and live full-time. Founded by well-known Buddhist author, teacher, and nun, Venerable Thubten Chodron, the Abbey offers programs, teachings, and meditation retreats for Buddhists as well as for people simply curious about meditation or Buddhist thought. In addition, the abbey offers weekly meditation classes on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Spokane.

Topics for Sharing the Dharma Day come from the book, “Don’t Believe Everything You Think”, by Venerable Chodron. The December talk focuses on “Six Perfections” — generosity, ethical conduct, patience, joyous effort, compassion, and wisdom — as foundational practices for developing far-reaching compassion.

People of all faiths and backgrounds can use Buddhist ideas to enrich their experiences. Friendly curiosity and openness to learn are the only pre-requisites. Guests are invited to bring a vegetarian lunch item, refraining from garlic, onions, leeks, and radishes.

There is no charge for events at the abbey, and offerings — of food for the community and/or financial gifts — are always welcomed.

For more information and directions call 509-447-5549 or email