Saturday, June 01, 2024

Is the Bible a tool of manipulation?

by Pastor Jerry Favor
| October 7, 2016 1:00 AM

The actor, Woody Harrelson, is quoted as saying “the Bible was written as a tool to manipulate people.” It might surprise you to think that I, being a pastor, understand his point. I don’t agree with his answer to why the Bible was written but I do agree with him on how it has often been used as a tool of manipulation. Far too many people and denominations utilize the Bible as a tool to manipulate people. You see it every day on television and online as well as in many churches and denominations.

The Bible was not given to be used as a tool of control and manipulation but to present truth. To present the hope of salvation through the sacrificial torture of an unassuming and humble man, Jesus the Christ. The only son of God offered by God the Father to die to save the very people who hated him and riled against him. God offering His Son to die in our place for our sins was truly the greatest act of love ever recorded.

The Bible was written by 40 different authors over 1,500 years with no real contradictions. There are approximately 2,500 prophecies in the Bible of which 2,000 have already been fulfilled without error. The chances of even a few of those 2,000 prophecies coming true as written is incalculable. No other religious writing comes close. There is something special, different, unique about the Bible that deserves every persons investigation.

I challenge all skeptics to read “Evidence that demands a Verdict” and/or “More than a Carpenter”, both of which were written by Josh McDowell, a man who began studying the Bible to prove it wrong and ended up becoming a believer in Jesus Christ and a devoted follower of the Bible.

Just because bad people manipulate people with the Bible and do bad things while quoting the Bible does not become the fault of the Bible. It only makes sense that the book people use to abuse others and misquote to their own benefit would be the book that is true, living, and powerful.

Just read John and Romans and let it speak for itself and it just might change your life or at least give to you a new level of respect to this enduring and powerful book. Listen to this books message of forgiveness of sin and promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let this book change your life and give you the lasting hope and peace for which you have been searching.

Jerry Favor is pastor at Victory Baptist Church.