Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| October 9, 2016 1:00 AM

The biggest problem with our economy is the high inflation rate and individual income not keeping pace. The Federal Reserve Bank for decades has kept the prime interest rate low to make more money available. When more money is available, prices increase. When prices increase more on an individual’s income goes to living costs. Meaning he has less money to buy goods, causing an economic depression. The Federal Reserve needs to start raising the prime rate (very slowly) until inflation is brought under control or reversed.

Hillary is part of the current corrupt political establishment that has created or ignored the inflation problem and many other problems plaguing our country. If Hillary is elected president the problems will continue as before. There won’t be any lasting solutions to the problems burdening our country. It’ll be business as usual, no matter what Hillary says.

Trump is an outsider not part of the present political establishment, which is one of the reasons he hasn’t received support from his party. If Trump is elected president there will be a chance for change.


Sandpoint, ID