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| October 11, 2016 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID. 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Sandpoint city council members gave the proposed garbage ordinance a soul searching scrutiny Monday night. While the ordinance was read for the third time, the ordinance did not progress to a final vote of adoption. Cause of turn of events was the reluctance of one councilman, Francis McDonnell. He moved to amend the ordinance so that those who could prove no need or no ability to pay for garbage collection. His conscience caused him to speak now because he did not want to be forced to vote against an ordinance he felt was essentially good.

McDonnell wanted a positive approach to the idea of taking care of those without the ability to pay for compulsory collection.

Mayor Gray felt no councilman would turn down a legitimate request for exclusion from the garbage fees and that no one need to pauperize themselves by coming before a public meeting to appeal his case. Gray said he felt that Cecil Ereman had used extremely good judgment in operation of the garbage service and that Ereman had kept watch over those who needed garbage service yet were without funds to pay for it.

In other business after explanation by Bud Benoit, the council adopted an employee retirement plan, one based on investment of city and employee contributions.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

Oct. 11, 1916 — FAIR CREDIT TO LOCAL

For the second annual Sagle Farmers’ union fair Saturday, the weather was ideal and a large crowd estimated at over 500 attended, many from Sandpoint.

A stranger who attended remarked: “I was told before coming to Bonner county that it was a wilderness, and I would find nothing but backwoods methods. But from the looks of these rows of automobiles and the display of farm products and the intelligent people I have met, my informant must have been very much mistaken.”



Tomorrow Wednesday Evening, at 8:15 p.m., a meeting will be held at the SCENIC THEATRE, for the purpose of perfecting the organization of a Woodrow Wilson Non-Partisan Club. Several speakers are expected to be present. Women Are Especially Invited to This Meeting.



The new city directory of Sandpoint can be bought at the following places: Postoffice News stand, Crescent Pharmacy, Sandpoint Drug, Red Cross Pharmacy and Central Pharmacy.

WILSON DAY. Saturday, October 28, has been designated as Wilson Day all over the United States and ten thousand communities all over the United States will celebrate it. “Peace With Honor, Prosperity and Preparedness” will echo from Maine to California. More particulars later.

For more information, visit the museum online at