Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 11, 2016 1:00 AM

In response to the adoption of a new “noise” ordinance article (Daily Bee, Sept. 18), Councilman Bob Camp said he “didn’t agree with the ordinance because ordinanances are passed in hopes of correcting a situation.” In this situation, the hope of the rest of the council is to correct an inalienable right to free speech. Some folks were offended by the visuals of the pro life group, with good cause. Abortion is offensive. The feelings (subjective) of a vocal few were put above the inalienable (objective) rights of the pro lifepeople and anyone else who would raise questions and challenge common thought. Isaiah 5:20. Poorly defined problems begat ill fit solution.

Fragile “feelings” (subjective) do not and cannot trump natural law. Are you uncomfortable (subjective) with people talking about the murder of the unborn. Jeremiah 1:5. More uncomfortable (objective) than being ripped from your mother’s womb with foreceps?

You have no right to not be uncomfortable or not be offended. How dare you twist and subvert your duty as councilman/woman to bend to the will of a vocal few. If you don’t want the message, leve. Do what I do and remove yourself from the situation and pray for the messenger, or respectfully challenge their belief system. But you and your council have no right to limit my inalienable rights. Matthew 10:22-28. Some things are worth the fine, Chief Coon.

