Saturday, June 01, 2024

Tri-Pro closes Orofino facility

by Judd Wilson Staff Writer
| October 12, 2016 1:00 AM

OLDTOWN — Tri-Pro Forest Products announced here Oct. 5 that it was shutting down its Orofino division, which it has owned since 2007.

In a press release, the company said, “The lack of a consistent, economical log supply has made continued operations here impractical. It has been difficult this year to keep the plant running and from this point forward, the log supply will only become worse. We sincerely regret this outcome and are solemnly aware of the impact the plant closure will have on families and the community as a whole.”

Tri-Pro added, “We have consistently put the success and concerns of our employees and the area ahead of our own. Despite these factors, circumstances beyond our control make it unfeasible for the company to continue operations at this facility. The restriction of federal timber availability and the limited availability of state and private cedar has forced us to make this very difficult decision.

U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador commented Oct. 10, “Once again, a rural community will suffer because of the failure of the federal government to make timber available for harvest. My bill, the Self-Sufficient Community Lands Act, passed the House in 2013 and is moving through the House this year. The bill would permit local management of some U.S. Forest Service lands and allow hard-working Idahoans to show they can do a better job than bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. I’m confident those closest to the land can restore multiple use, keep our forests healthy and improve local economies.”

“It is extremely disheartening to hear of the closure of the Orofino mill. The logs that would keep the mill open are on federal ground that was burnt by wildfire two years ago and they are on the verge of being completely unusable and now will rot. What a waste especially when every stick of lumber coming out of those trees would be used and the ground replanted for the future. The actions of those environmental groups is destroying people’s lives and severally crippling the well being of Orofino yet those groups will have no personal accountablity for their actions,” added Sen. Shawn Keough Oct. 10.

The Tri-Pro release concluded, “We appreciate the opportunities we have been given in the Clearwater Valley and will work to minimize the economic impacts we know this imposes on our employees and the community.”

The company would not comment further on this matter.